The Pre-Clovis and Clovis Debate
The Clovis People:                                                                     
The Clovis people were hunters and gatherers.  Archaeologists believe they crossed from Asia to North America by water over the Bering Strait after the close of the Ice Age.  They hunted bison, mammoth, and deer, and they also fished.  Some archaeologists believe the Clovis people were the cause of the mammoth extinction.  Another name for the Clovis people is the Paleo-Indian.  
The Pre-Clovis People:
If Pre-Clovis people did exist, they probably were not well organized.  Like the Clovis people, they might have been hunters and gatherers.  The Pre-Clovis people date back approximately 15,000 years and may even date back as far as 50,000 years.  This would mean that these people would have migrated from Asia to North America during the ice age.  Archaeologists do not know much about these mysterious people, and debate whether this culture and people really existed.  Some believe that the radiocarbon dating, a technique used to tell how old soil and other artifacts are, was contaminated by water. Well known Archaeologist, Dr. James Adovasio, was one the first scientists to excavate the "MeadowCroft Rockshelter" in Western PA.  He believes that the Pre-Clovis people did exist.  He states that they have tested
for contamination but nothing was found.

                          Clovis Tools and Points

Examples of points used by Clovis people.
    The Clovis people were named after Clovis, New Mexico where the first evidence of this culture was excavated in 1932. Since the Clovis people hunted so often, they needed highly effective, light weight, and portable weapons, such as arrow heads and points.  The most used weapon was The Clovis Point, a thinly shaped and mounted rock designed to break off upon impact.